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Pregnancy Center Leader

Let your father and mother be glad; let her who bore you rejoice. (Proverbs 23:25)

Image by Hu Chen

This master's level Vocational Certificate is designed to strengthen pregnancy center leaders so they can serve well for at least a decade. Because the stakes are high and the demands fierce and constant, most leaders in this segment of nonprofit ministry burn out.  Without the distinct advantage of being formally trained in theology and theological replenishment strategies, it is difficult to muster the moral courage needed to stay on mission long term. But when self-care is grounded in accurate biblical knowledge and deepened understanding, and when leadership is buttressed by theological know-how and historical wisdom, fatigue can be displaced by improved performance levels that are stunningly sustainable. To equip our students optimally, this certificate features 4 courses taught through Care Net University.


  • Executive Director

  • Assistant Director 

  • Client Services Director

  • Volunteer Coordinator

Care Net University Courses

Digital Book

Interest Form

If you are interested in pursuing a Vocational Certificate or the Governance Credential, please fill out the form below:

Pointing Pen and Finger on Document

Faculty Advisement

30 min  |  Free Advisement

This complimentary service is a 1:1 interactive, structured conversation. Any believer age 17 and up is welcome to sign up.

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