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Conflict Resolution

Course Description:

Not all conflicts are the same: Some are healthy disagreements that lead to superior solutions, and some are selfish quarrels that degenerate into violent wars. No one can experience real intimacy without acknowledging conflict and learning how to resolve it. In this course, students will be challenged to become more self-aware. This is a heavy content course, but primarily it's a practicum meant to develop the character and relational skills of people who profess to follow Christ.

Guiding Questions:

  • How can believers renew their minds so as to enter into conflict as a way of entering into real discipleship?

  • What are bystanders to do when they see another person being bullied? 

  • How does conflict resolution differ from culture to culture internationally?


Conflict Resolution has been a challenging class for me. (Every course is challenging at Right On Mission but this one is pushing on areas in my life that are uncomfortable. The class is so good, but man, it hurts).  Jim Sumner does such a great job as the instructor. He is very vulnerable and transparent and grows right in front of us. Jim is helping me articulate and challenge unbiblical paradigms that I didn't know I had. 

Katie V., International Leader

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