is a belief statement that undergirds your mission and compels you toward your vision. It is knowledge so internalized that it reveals your motivation to do your mission.
In this post-Covid era, it behooves every believer and Christian organization to get a Why Statement. Research shows that donors, clients, and customers are attracted to beliefs that match their own. Why Statements explain why you believe in your Vision Statement.
To delineate the contrast:
Your Mission Statement reveals your sacred passion.
Your Vision Statement tells what you want to see.
Your Why Statement explains your underlying belief that fuels your drive to stay on mission, even in the face of opposition.
Who Needs A Why Statement?
Why Statements are essential for individuals, churches, and Christian entities because when you understand your “why,” you can keep going, you can press on. You can find hope quickly yet again on the basis of your wellspring of belief.
You must have a Life Mission Statement and Personal Vision Statement from Right On Mission. If you don't have either of those yet, please schedule here.
You Relax:
We write the statement so you don't have to.