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Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to come to Redding, CA to do my Identity Statement session?"No. Our writers can either work with you via Zoom video call or over the phone. If you would like our Writer to travel to your location to service multiple individuals, this can be arranged as long as you are able to provide for travel costs. Contact us at or 530-768-7068.
Do I need to prepare for my session?No. Just relax and anticipate having a meaningful conversation. Your writer will guide you through the process.
What if I can't think of how to answer the questions I'm asked?That's not a problem. Your writer will simply ask you other questions.
How can I give purpose statement sessions as a gift to other people?You can do so by going to our Online Store and ordering the purpose statement(s) directly. You will need to provide us with the recipient's email address and we will contact the individual to schedule the gift session you purchased.
How can I purchase a Life Mission Statement for myself and also one for someone else?You can book your own appointment online and also pay online here, then make a separate purchase for someone else through our Online Store.
What if I need to reschedule my appointment?That's not a problem. You can reschedule your appointment as long as you do so within 24 hours of your scheduled session. Please contact us at or 530-768-7068.
Can I get a refund if I miss my appointment?Right On Mission does not provide refunds for missed appointments. We will help you reschedule your appointment or you can choose to gift your appointment to another person.
Can I get a refund if I cancel my prepaid appointment before doing my session?Right On Mission does not provide refunds for cancelled appointments. We can help you reschedule your appointment or, if you'd like, we can gift your appointment to another person.
Do I have to give credit to Right On Mission if I put my Identity Statement(s) on my resume or other documents?No. Once you purchase your Identity Statement(s), it is yours to use freely as you wish. The write-up for your Identity Statement(s), however, does need to be quoted with proper citation: Name of your mission statement writer, "Right On Mission Identity Statement Write-up",, and the year you received your statement. NOTE: Whoever at Right On Mission writes your Identity Statement retains the legal right to count that write-up as the Right On Mission writer's own intellectual property. Right On Mission writers continually retain the right to quote from any write-up that the Right On Mission writer wrote as long as the writer does not mention the name of the client or student. Right On Mission Identity Statement writers own the intellectual property regarding all theological content in any and all Right On Mission write-ups that they themselves produce.
What if I have a dispute with Right On Mission?The dispute should be addressed directly with the person(s) involved. If the dispute cannot be resolved within Right On Mission, then it shall be adjudicated by a church tribunal selected by Right On Mission. No one at Right On Mission, including clients, students, faculty, or workers stand above the law of Christ. At Right On Mission we seek repentance and restoration in terms of reasonableness and fairness, and we commit to submitting ourselves, if need be, to church tribunals who can bring loving accountability to all involved. NOTE: Upon paying for your Identity Statement session, Right On Mission clients thereby grant express permission to our Identity Statement writers to record the Identity Statement session or the follow-up session for the purpose of serving the client as well as possible, and providing accurate Identity Statement write-ups, and for protecting the integrity of Right On Mission and its workers.
Does Right On Mission consider my Identity Statement session confidential?Yes, Right On Mission Identity Statement writers function in their role as "ministers", all purpose statement sessions are considered by Right On Mission to be privileged conversations that cannot be admitted in court. Right On Mission retains the right to mention and refer to detailed information regarding any and all purpose statement sessions, but only to do so namelessly and anonymously unless the client grants Right On Mission consent to share their client's name openly and freely with others.
Are Right On Mission courses and certificates accredited?No, accreditation is not needed for the jobs we train students for.
Can I pay my tuition online?Yes. Select and pay for your course tuition here: Select and pay for your webinar/forum here:
Is there an Admissions fee for new students at Right On Mission?No.
Can students clep out of courses at Right On Mission?No.
Can students substitute other courses for required courses in a certificate program?Yes, students can substitute an approved Right On Mission Specialty course for a required course.
Can I get a refund if I'm not able to attend?No. Your purchase is non-refundable. If you are not able to attend, you can transfer your credit to another student or keep it as credit for future course(s) or services.
Can students record class sessions at Right On Mission?No, for confidentiality reasons and the protection of the privacy of each student, Right On Mission does not provide recordings for any class session or allow students to record. Students must plan to attend all course sessions so that they can engage deeply with professors and fellow classmates. It is against the law in California to record any conversation without first obtaining the permission of those recorded.
Can I copy the content of this website into something I'm writing for school or professional research?Yes, as long as you cite Sarah Sumner as the writer and Right On Mission in your Webliography and footnotes.
Can I copy the content of this website into my website?Not without permission. Right On Mission's website is copyrighted, so make sure you read the Permissions Policy and follow it.
Can I schedule an exploratory conversation before hiring a consultant(s)?Yes. You can schedule a free half hour pre-consultation directly here or contact us at
Does Right On Mission charge by the hour for Consulting Services?We charge by the job on a retainer basis or for a negotiated fee.
What if we want your Consulting Services, but cannot afford to bring the consultant(s) to our location?"Our consultants can either work with you via Zoom video call, phone or possibly come to you when we are in your location for an appointment.
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