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Sarah Sumner

Third Great Awakening

Updated: Nov 2, 2020

Since our last Newsletter, I opened a Twitter account @drsarahsumner that I hope you will follow.  As I read countless tweets, this is what I found:  turmoil.  Turmoil refers to a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.

Turmoil is seeping into our cities, our police force, our homes, and even our churches.  Regardless of age, nationality or political persuasion, nearly everyone in our country is dissatisfied with the current status quo.  As a result, the rumblings of revolution are getting louder everyday because the structures of our nation are falling apart and crumbling under the weight of our national debt and unacknowledged sin that is swelling up in various forms of violence.  

Oh, how we need a Third Great Awakening, a revival of the church, a great movement of repentance among God’s people.  Instead of pointing fingers politically, I believe it is better to examine ourselves in humility and bow down on our knees in solemn prayer.  

Given our captivity to consequences imposed by our own failings and inaction, Psalm 126 comes to mind: When the Lord brought back the captive ones of Zion, we were like those who dream . . . Bring back our captives, O Lord . . . Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting.

On a related note, some of you may know that I am earnestly trying to learn how to communicate in Spanish. Thus this past weekend I began to read the Spanish translation of R.A. Torrey’s book,How To Pray:  Secrets of Prayer For A Sincere Seeker which is titled Cómo Orar:  Secretos de la Oración para un Buscador Sincero.  In it, the pointed question is repeatedly asked and answered as to why we have such troubles: Falta de oración.  Lack of prayer.

Remember this old hymn?

What a Friend we have in Jesus

All our sins and griefs to bear.

What a privilege to carry 

Everything to God in prayer.

Oh, what peace we often forfeit.

Oh, what needless pain we bear.

All because we do not carry

Everything to God in prayer.

So at Right On Mission, we are going to host forty-five minutes of participatory prayer once-a-week on Thursday mornings from 8:15 am to 9:00 am PDT during the month of July 2020 on Zoom video.  If you would like to join us, click here

Sarah Sumner, Ph.D., MBA

President of Right On Mission

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