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How To Write A Book
(Specialty Course)

Course Description:

This course is a practicum, a learning laboratory. It's a venue in which to make progress toward finishing a full draft of your unpublished volume. Very little reading is required because the course is designed to help writers turn their scribbled up pages into a well structured manuscript. The course is much more like bootcamp than a lecture series. Every session features a guided opportunity to produce better sentences and paragraphs. Whether you're starting with nothing but a vague idea or a foggy set of musings or an unpublished manuscript that needs to be reworked, this course is for you. Students gain from the teaching and enlightening exercises and also from the group dynamic. The course is hard, but heartening; challenging, but life-changing. If you're serious about writing a book, this course might be the catalyst for getting your work published. Such has happened before with other students. 


Guiding Questions:

  • What is your book about?

  • Who out there is looking for your book?

  • What do you want your readers to gain from reading your book?

"I am blown away by the value of this class. This is an outstanding course with practical application that turns thoughts into written words and intentions into actions. Working alongside other students (and our professor) was extremely helpful and instructive. Dr. Sumner provided a wealth of insight, resources, and structure that helped me understand and utilize a framework and approach to get organized and get writing, bit by bit. I am more inspired than ever and now see myself as an author sharing for the benefit of others."

- Art Fromm, Sales Consultant


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