"Another Ministry Scandal? Can Men and Women Leaders Be Allies in the Church?" (1)
Tue, Nov 13
|Zoom Video Conference
Halee Scott, Ph.D.

Nov 13, 2018, 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Zoom Video Conference
DATE & TIME - Tuesday, October 30 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm PDT
WEBINAR - Another Ministry Scandal? Can Men and Women Leaders Be Allies in the Church?
DESCRIPTION - The watershed movements of recent times, including #metoo and #timesup, make plain that Christian ministry needs to change to be effective in the 21st century. Do you agree with that? Researcher/educator, Halee Gray Scott, Ph.D. (Biola 2010) certainly does. She suggests that perhaps the most urgent need is for men and women to learn how to serve alongside one another, supporting each other in their giftedness. In her first book, _Dare Mighty Things: Mapping the Challenges of Leadership for Christian Women_ (Zondervan, 2014), Halee Scott shares the stories of women she met through her research—women leaders who feel excluded, stymied, and at times frustrated at their inability to exercise their giftedness in their ministry workplace. Now, here at Right On Mission, in this first-time-ever Webinar, Dr. Scott introduces her findings (not yet published) from her forthcoming book that reveals the other half of the story--how men feel about working alongside women in the workplace.
For more than two years, Dr. Halee Scott, interviewed male leaders around the country—such as John Ortberg, Michael Bird, Andy Crouch, David Fitch, Neil Plantinga, Richard Mouw, Ben Witherington, Owen Strachan, Dan Meyer, Glen Scorgie, and Jim Henderson--and asked them, "What do they see as the main challenges? And what do they propose to do about it?"
If you agree that our world needs inspirational examples of what healthy male and female working partnerships can be, then prepare yourself to enter the conversation by signing up for this Webinar where you can interact "live" or just listen in as Dr. Scott explains how men and women leaders can be allies and why the Church can and should lead the way.
BIOGRAPHY - Halee Gray Scott, Ph.D, is an author and social researcher of issues related to millennials, women in ministry leadership, and spiritual development. Currently she works full-time at Denver Seminary. Her writing has appeared in Christianity Today, Christian Education Journal, Real Clear Religion, Relevant, Books and Culture, Gifted for Leadership, Outcomes, and Intervarsity’s The Well.
She lives in Littleton, CO, with her husband and two daughters. When Halee is not writing or teaching, she is usually randomly Googling, baking challah bread, running, or doing Crossfit. Follow her on Twitter at @hgscott. Soli deo gloria.
REGISTER BY: Monday, October 29 at Noon PDT
$25.00Sale ended