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Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual harassment is not allowed at Right On Mission (ROM).  In accordance with the owner’s faith, the definition of “sexual harassment” at ROM is being spoken to or written to with lewd language; or being offered a suggestive comment that communicates the intention of a sexual advance; or being stalked; or being touched by another person or forced to provide physical contact in a sexual way; or being pressured toward any kind of sexual involvement.


Anyone at ROM is being sexually harassed is to report it immediately in writing so as to register the existence of the problem to the Registrar, Operations Manager, or Business Manager or President.  


It is ROM’s intention to prevent sexual harassment from happening in the first place and to halt it as soon as possible after the matter is made known.  


ROM believes in due process as a mechanism for seeking out truth; thus it is ROM’s intention to listen to both sides of any conflict and to provide ROM students and employees access to ROM’s Grievance Policy, including when the conflict pertains to an accusation or denial of sexual harassment.  

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