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Independent Consulting 

"Listen to counsel and accept discipline, that you may be wise the rest of your days."

(Proverbs 19:20)

This master’s level Vocational Certificate offers job training for students who feel impassioned to help people flourish and reach their full potential in Christ.  It is specially designed for wise decision-makers who seek to serve faith-based entities and advise individual believers by working as entrepreneurs who start their own consulting practices.  If you have dreamed of owning and operating your own business that builds up other businesses and leaders, this certificate might be right for you.


  • Entrepreneurs

  • Consultants

  • Outsourced Workers

  • Ministry Team Leaders


16 Foundational Courses

8 Vocational Courses

Identity Statements

Digital Book

Interest Form

If you are interested in pursuing a Vocational Certificate or the Governance Credential, please fill out the form below:

Pointing Pen and Finger on Document

Faculty Advisement

30 min  |  Free Advisement

This complimentary service is a 1:1 interactive, structured conversation. Any believer age 17 and up is welcome to sign up.

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