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Course Catalog

This Catalog holds Right On Mission course descriptions.  It also describes academic opportunities such as our Tutorials and Thesis Services for you to explore.  We encourage you to take time to familiarize yourself with the set up at Right On Mission, so that you can take full advantage of what we offer. If you have any questions, please feel free to sign up for Free Faculty Advisement (a 30-minute appointment usually conducted via Zoom).

Image by Leone Venter


Right On Mission (ROM) students have the option to take any listed course in the form of private tutoring with a ROM professor that is available.  Tutorials run for three months and are priced as Specialty Courses.  You get twelve hours of 1:1 time interacting with the professor and written feedback on assignments that are timely submitted. Scheduling is negotiated between the professor and the student.


Thesis Services 

Right On Mission (ROM) offers qualified students Thesis Services. If you are pre-approved, you can hire an available mentor-professor on the ROM Faculty to advise you, grade you, and guide you into writing an academic paper that showcases your ability to enter into doctoral work or be published in a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal.  You get 1:1 time with the professor and two rounds of written feedback on your paper.   Plus you get a committee of three professors who pose questions to you on your research and give you the opportunity to practice defending it before them online.  You decide the subject of your research as long as your mentor-professor agrees to the parameters of your research.  Prices for this Service are negotiated.

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